Nexus Mosaic Corporate Engagements' mandate is to hearten and inspire inclusive diversity, concord, and relevance through innovative and strategic corporate partnerships and corporate programs activation in arts, social, cultural, sports, health, education, commerce, advocacy, and economic initiatives with viable Canadians and international corporate partners

Corporate Engagements


Nexus Mosaic is a global multi-faceted visionary and leading enterprise that wields on enormous strategic educational, arts, social, cultural, economic, and apolitical diplomatic clout to stimulate innovative, action-driven and result-driven approaches, programs, services, activities and events in the fields of:

  • Social, Cultural, Arts, and Educational Initiatives
  • Economic and Commerce Development Endeavors
  • Advocacy, Research, Consultancy, and Innovative Solutions
  • Universal Intercultural Competence, Engagement and Responsiveness Education
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Inclusiveness and Belonging Education
  • Integrated Anti-Oppressive Strategies and Practices
  • Global Apolitical Diplomatic Engagements and Undertakings


Nexus Mosaic is managed and oversaw by its executive personnel, as the visionary executive leadership team. The executive leadership team includes worldwide participants, reflecting the world's cultural diversity, as well as diverse industry sectors and sub-sectors, as supporting members. Our leadership team is complemented by building and leveraging strong relationships with all levels of national and international governments, while remaining apolitical.


Leveraging our corporate culture and responsibility to positively engage, inspire, empower, and impact the people we serve, the people we represent, and the people we work with by virtue of:

  • Integrity and Transparency
  • Respect and Pride
  • Co-operation and Collaboration
  • Global Reflection and Relevance
  • Accountability and Responsibility


Diversity, Integration, Inclusion, and Equity

Nexus Mosaic fosters and heartens a culture of inclusion that reflects global cultural heritages and relevance at the highest level. Our commitment to diversity, integration, equity, belonging, inclusion and inclusiveness is entrenched into the fabric of our workforce and culture, our worldwide culturally and diplomatically-conscious programs, services, events and activities. Unquestionably, we are committed to continuously reflect the global community of people and governments we serve and work with, along with our aligned partners.


Through our powerful and unique portfolios, brands and subsidiaries, programs and services, events, activities and opportunities, Nexus Mosaic serves and connects with audiences, clients, and partners worldwide:

Governments and Diplomatic Missions

  • Canadian Government, Political Parties, Elected Officials and Authorities
  • International Governments and Active Diplomatic Missions

Aligned Business Sectors and Sub-Sectors

  • National and International Government-Owned and Operated Enterprises
  • National and International Social and Not-For-Profit Organizations


  • NGO's Communities
  • Press/Media Communities
  • Academic Communities
  • Policymaker Communities
  • Sports and Athletic Communities
  • Health and Wellness Communities
  • Arts, Cultural, Social and Tourism Communities
  • Justice Communities

General Publics

  • Canadian and International Citizens


Corporate Communities

Promoting and supporting corporate intercultural and cross-cultural:

  • Competence and literacy
  • Engagement, and responsiveness

Business and Commerce

Bolstering culturally-conscious business, commerce, and economic development.

Advocacy and Consultancy

Eradicating cultural, social, educational, and economic alienation.


Facilitating, conducting, and providing effective researches, polls, and surveys.

Innovative Resolution

Incubating, cultivating, and presenting viable and sustainable initiatives and solutions.


Engaging, supporting, and accommodating global apolitical initiatives.

General Public

Forging deep connections with and educating the communities we serve and represent

Arts, Cultural, and Social Communities

Reaching out, engaging with and communicating with communities continuously

Academic Communities

  • Building charismatic visionary citizens and leaders.
  • Facilitating knowledge-sharing speakers, lecturers, and academia.

Press/Media Communities

Advocating for and facilitating inclusive media diversity and visibility; media relevance and representation; culturally diverse media experts availabilities and appearances.


  • Creating content for all audiences
  • Informing, educating, inspiring and entertaining diverse audiences

Health, Wellness and Wellbeing

Bridging the health, wellness and wellbeing divides and inequalities

Global Appeal

Mosaic and its subsidiaries enterprises, through various programs, activities, services, and initiatives, present rare opportunities and benefits to ideal Canadian and international partners.

Ideal Contributors and Partners

Regional, national and international corporations, organizations, governments, diplomatic missions, educational institutions, and individuals who have demonstrated in the past, or would like to demonstrate, their highest level of interests in establishing their footprint in cultural heritage, arts, education reflecting the world, as well as fair trade business and commerce practices affecting the world are our ideal partners. Our strengths are measured by means of impactful apolitical activities, innovative initiatives, programs and services. All these account for enormous positive influence, progressive results, and unwavering determination for the flourishing and empowerment of all cultural heritages in Canada and throughout the world.

Levels of Appeal

Different levels of appeals are presented to Canadian and international aligned businesses, organizations and enterprises, each with their own distinct merits, benefits, and opportunities.

For more information about how to become our national or international partner, or about how aligned businesses, organizations and enterprises can be a contributor to Nexus Mosaic, please connect with us.


Mosaic is an integral contributor that supports worthy initiatives worldwide. We are committed to taking a collaborative approach to the issues that matter most, and that includes seeking out opportunities for us to get involved. Whether fine and performing arts, academics and education, sports and athletics, health and wellness, social and cultural, business and commerce, advocacy and justice, or apolitical diplomatic initiatives, Mosaic opts to be an active advocate, sponsor, and endorser to assist, strengthen and mentor by virtue of social and cultural investments, financial and in-kind supports, scholarships and bursaries, partnerships and endorsements. We are always interested to discuss how we can contribute, constructively and progressively, to the lives and actions of the people, around the world, who continuously inspire us to excellence.


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General Inquiries

Nexus Mosaic Corporate Engagement division would like to connect with you. For more information about our Corporate Programs and Services Activation; Request for Presentations and Appearances; Global Appeal and Partnership Opportunities; Events and Activities; Broadcast Center; Seminars and Workshops [intercultural and cross-cultural literacy competence, engagement and responsiveness; diversity, equity, inclusion, inclusiveness and belonging; integrated anti-oppressive], or any other inquiries or requests, please contact us via the form below:

Full Name

Phone and Email

Full Address

Company Info

Reason for Inquiry